Learning Malagasy for your trip to Madagascar
Volunteering & Travel Advice / 15 July 2020
Volunteers joining our Conservation project in Madagascar are based at a rural campsite in the forest, alongside a small Malagasy community.
From spending evenings getting a well-earned soft drink or beer from the local shop after a long day’s conservation work, to helping with conservation workshops at the local schools, the project is passionate about community engagement and volunteers have a fantastic opportunity to immerse themselves in the local culture.
As part of a Conservation volunteer placement at this project, all volunteers are also given lessons in the local Malagasy language to help foster the great relationship the project have with the community, meaning volunteers are able to get even more out of their time in Madagascar.
Although many people in Madagascar speak French, Malagasy is the first language of most people throughout Madagascar and the region where the project is based speaks the Antanosy dialect.
To help get you started for your time in the bush, we’ve put together a few key phrases that should help you on your way!
Some useful expressions
- Hello = Salama (Shalama)
- Thank you = Misaotra
- Thank you very much = Misaotra betsaka
- You’re welcome = Tsy misy fisaorana
- What’s new? = Ino vaovao?
- Nothing! = Tsy misy!
- Goodbye = Veloma
- Excuse me / please / sorry = Azafady
If you’re keen to learn even more before you start your adventure, you can also find an online course in the Antanosy dialect of Malagasy here: http://www.memrise.com/course/48680/malagasy-antanosy-dialect-getting-started/
To find out more about the Conservation project in Madagascar, visit the project webpage here: https://www.podvolunteer.org/projects/conservation-madagascar