My time in Nepal - volunteer stories
Volunteer Experiences / 08 February 2017
Karen travelled out to Nepal to volunteer for 10 weeks on our Child Care role alongside her friend Michelle who focused on the Sports Coaching role. When Karen and Michelle returned from Nepal we asked them about their experience and to let us know what life was like from the point of view of a volunteer as well as giving useful tips to future volunteers! A huge thanks to Karen and Michelle for sharing your photos and experiences with us.

Michelle: “Nepal is a fantastic versatile country and choosing Nepal for your volunteering allows you to experience the people including how they live their lives as they are always happy to invite you into their homes to eat and chat with them and sometimes dance too.”

Karen: “I've had the best 10 weeks ever. I was volunteering at Annapurna Primary, where you can get to know the children really well and you are given the freedom to really make a difference to their lives.”

Michelle: “Go with an open mind as things change on a daily basis and so don't have any expectations, this will help you enjoy the volunteering and get the most out of it. The Nepali people make you feel very welcome and I felt that they couldn't do enough to help you.”

Karen: “Be prepared to work hard and be flexible, though. Bring buckets of energy and creativity: you'll be paid back tenfold with love and the satisfaction of seeing children really coming on. The street kids centre is just inspirational. They are truly the most remarkable young people”

Michelle: “Pod Volunteer allows you to be independent but always provides the support as and when needed depending on your own confidence and capabilities.”

Karen: “How I felt all the way through: Thrilled, blessed, excited and inspired.”

If you would like to find out more about our volunteering opportunites at our Child Care, Sports Coaching or Teaching placements in Nepal you can click here for more details.