

96% of volunteers rate us as 4-5 stars

Please see below for the latest independent reviews of Pod Volunteer. We also recommend joining Pod’s community on Facebook where you can contact Pod volunteers past and present.

“I chose them because they seemed to be very transparent and were frankly one of the only ethical volunteering abroad organisations that I felt certain I could trust. I am very glad I did choose them to volunteer with as they were brilliantly communicative all the way through.”


“Pod Volunteer was such a wonderful organization that enables and connects volunteers to great organizations doing impactful projects to better our planet. Pod is a gateway to discovering the good people working to do good things and the best thing that’s sets Pod are there to help you along the whole journey. No matter how small the question or concern you have relating to your project someone is there to answer you. I felt ready and prepared weeks in advance which made my experience that much better. Once there I could focus on the project in hand and be completely emmersed in the experience. I would have never discovered this place if I wasn’t introduced to them thanks to Pod Volunteer.”


“Volunteering for Pod Volunteer was a really great experience, especially since I was travelling alone! The support they provided for me before and during the project was above and beyond any expectation I had. For anyone fearful of travelling somewhere new and alone - or with others, POD VOLUNTEER was definitely a worthwhile organization to work with for your own peace of mind and comfort. I would highly recommend volunteering with them!”


“My trip was well organised from start to finish, I never felt as if I was alone, as I knew the Pod Volunteer team was there if I needed.
This was my first time volunteering and I wanted to have a safety net in case anything went wrong. Pod Volunteer were very helpful and organised from start to finish. There was plenty of information provided both on the website and the information booklet. Highly recommend!”


“If you have been thinking of ‘Volunteering’ overseas but haven’t done so because you are unsure then please, let me put your mind at rest and go for it! You will not regret it and POD VOLUNTEER are there for you throughout. I carried out some extensive internet research before choosing POD VOLUNTEER and they certainly came out on top, feedback, awards etc.”


“You are professionals, I like your ideology. Everything with the animals, who they are and will be treated. You let you opinion shine through, and it is a good one. People who choose to work with animals should not do it just to hope to cuddle with them, and there you are. Not promising kisses and hugs, and trips riding the elephants in forest. You are quality in this market”


“Before departure, the Pod Volunteer staff was very supportive and reactive to my questions. I had no doubts that I was going with a serious and trustworthy organization. They made the registration process very easy (especially as I was registering few weeks before departure). As it’s mentioned in Pod Volunteer’s booklet, I also find very important to be conscious about the impact each volunteer really has as we all just come and go. Thank you Pod Volunteer for connecting me with this great project. Pod Volunteer is a responsible organization that has only a few projects so I trust they have true relationship with the communities oversea and a real respect of the volunteers they send abroad: not just clients to make money but people who want to make a difference together.”


“It’s quite simply the best volunteer organisation there is.”


“I chose Pod Volunteer as they seemed to offer the most in-depth information about the projects, and have staff with first-hand experience of all the volunteer work. There is a hands on approach that I felt was lacking from other organisations offering similar things. The communication I received was great, and although I didn’t have any problems I felt very assured that if anything did go wrong the support was readily available.”


“A well-established organisation and charity with extensive knowledge of their fields.”


“Everything that Pod Volunteer did was very reassuring and made me feel very comfortable travelling such distance. The whole process from application to the end evaluation was very professional and hassle free.”


“Projects are sustainable and concerned about long term growth. Credible and informative.”


“I loved that it is a non-profit organisation and the staff at Pod Volunteer have been extremely helpful and supportive.”


“Pod Volunteer seemed so professional and helpful from the very start and the project was exactly what I was looking for, the obvious choice.”


“Pod Volunteer is extremely organized and takes phenomenal care of their volunteers. There was always an open line of communication, very thorough information packet and support throughout the entire process.”


“It is a great organisation and I liked how so much of the money they receive through donations etc. go directly to the project.”


“One piece of advice: It’s nowhere near as hard or scary as you may think (especially if you’re thinking of going alone) everyone is young, friendly, helpful and from all corners of the globe. You’re going to love your time volunteering. JUST DO IT!”


“I think others should volunteer abroad because it gives you a totally different outlook on life. Learning about different cultures, and seeing the differences in everyday living,
I chose Pod Volunteer because of all the extra support you get, any questions I had were answered right away, and you can tell they really care about their volunteers!”


“It was without a doubt the best experience of my life and since I have come back to the UK I have found I appreciate life more.”


“It was an amazing experience that will stay with me forever! Not having ever been brave enough to travel abroad before, especially on my own, Pod Volunteer provided the ideal amount of support and guidance and ensured that the little things like transfers, were well organised. Fantastic value for money when I compare it to the extortionate prices other overseas volunteering organisations charge! Pod Volunteer provide excellent guidance and support throughout your time as a volunteer. They have ensured that they provide a safe place to stay in a pleasant part of town with close links to the local charity. Best of all, they are not-for-profit and compared to most volunteer-abroad companies, don’t charge extortionate prices, making this opportunity available to people of a wider range of budgets, without leaving you wondering where all the money really goes. They are established and very experienced and have time for all their volunteers, whatever their past experience (or lack of!)”


“I had a blast in Thailand. I’m just waiting for my transfer flight to Sydney and I’ll be home. I didn’t want to leave at all! Everyone was so lovely thank you so much for organising everything for me it really was a life changing experience and I can’t wait to do it again next year!”


“I chose Pod Volunteer because it seemed to be the most price-friendly and helpful company out there - would recommend without a doubt!”


“Pod Volunteer are a no nonsense volunteer organisation looking to change lives, a lot of volunteer organisations out there are poorly regulated and spread out over hundreds of placements just to try and attract more people. Pod Volunteer has a lot less placements but consequently is able to regulate them all excellently and put a lot more effort into each one.”


“I chose Pod Volunteer because I wanted an organisation that had an ethical outlook whilst providing good support and experiences for their volunteers. I found that they did live up to those expectations and I am glad I chose them over other, more expensive, companies and I would definitely recommend them. I particularly felt it important that the projects they work with are not directly controlled by Pod Volunteer but are instead locally founded projects which instead just gain Pod Volunteer support. This gives Pod Volunteer the unique balance of being a western organisation with transparency and responsibilities to its volunteers (which aids trust) whilst being, on the ground, locally driven.”


As featured in:

  • theguardian
  • Sunday Times
  • Wall Street Journal
  • National Geographic
  • Euro News